Sunday, May 29, 2016


By default, Slackware restarts from hibernation following the standard booting, loosing the state previously saved in the swap partition. To solve this, I edited the boot loader configuration, which in my case is ELILO. This is the result.

# /boot/efi/EFI/Slackware/elilo.conf

# The prompt line tells ELILO to display a prompt for you to choose a kernel.

# tells ELILO to wait 5 seconds for you to respond. (This value is specified in 
# tenths of a second.) If you don't respond, it boots the image specified by the 
# default line.

# Sets the default stanza to load (the name is sets by 'label=').

# chooser specify kernel chooser to use: 'simple' or 'textmenu'.

# delay specifies the number of tenths of a second the boot loader should wait 
# before automatically booting a locked command line, a command line pre-stored 
# by "lilo -R", or the default 'image=' or 'other='.

# Stanzas
label = Slackware
root = /dev/sda3

The magic here is done by the line append="resume=/dev/sda2", now ELILO knows that it have to start Slackware from the swap partition.


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