Saturday, March 24, 2018

NFS share in OSMC

To configure a NFS server to share a folder.

1. Fix the IP address to a static one. This can be done directly in the network menu of the 'My OSMC' application. The configuration is stored in the file: /var/lib/connman/[interface]/settings

2. Create a mount point in /mnt for the directory from a USB drive. 
$ sudo mkdir ./TheBlackHole

$ sudo chmod 777 ./TheBlackHole

3. Mount the drive at the boot time. Edit fstab file adding the following line.
LABEL=TheBlackHole      /mnt/TheBlackHole       ext4    defaults,users,exec     0       0

4. Download server: sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server portmap

5. Edit the /etc/exports file adding the following line:

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